Fatal: The Remote End Hung Up Unexpectedly – Troubleshooting Guide

Have you ever been working on a project, pushing and pulling code, when suddenly you get a message that says, "fatal: the remote end hung up unexpectedly"? Well, don’t worry, you’re not alone! This error message can be frustrating, but it’s a common issue that many developers face. In this article, we’ll walk you through some steps to fix this problem so you can get back to coding in no time.

Step by Step Tutorial: Fixing "fatal: the remote end hung up unexpectedly"

Before we dive into the steps, let’s talk about what we’re trying to accomplish. We want to address the issue that causes the "fatal: the remote end hung up unexpectedly" error so that you can successfully push your code to the remote repository.

Step 1: Increase the post buffer size

The first thing you can try is to increase the post buffer size in Git.

Increasing the post buffer size can help if the error is due to a large set of changes being pushed. Git has a default buffer size, and if your changes exceed this size, it can cause the remote end to hang up. To increase the buffer size, you can use the following command in your terminal: git config --global http.postBuffer 524288000. This sets the buffer size to 500MB, which should be sufficient for most cases.

Step 2: Check your internet connection

A weak or unstable internet connection can also cause this error.

If your internet connection is spotty, it can interrupt the connection between your local repository and the remote one. Make sure that you have a stable internet connection before you attempt to push your code again.

Step 3: Verify the remote repository URL

Sometimes the error can occur if the remote repository URL is incorrect.

Double-check the remote repository URL to ensure that it is correct. You can use git remote -v to check the URL. If it’s incorrect, you can update it with git remote set-url origin [correct URL].

Step 4: Try ssh instead of https

If you are using https to connect to the remote repository, switching to ssh might solve the problem.

Using ssh instead of https can be more reliable, especially if you are working on a larger project. To switch to ssh, you’ll need to generate an ssh key and add it to your Git account. Then, you can use git remote set-url origin [ssh URL] to update the repository URL.

Step 5: Contact your repository hosting service

If none of the above steps work, there might be an issue with your repository hosting service.

Sometimes the problem is on the server-side, and there’s nothing you can do but contact your repository hosting service for help. They should be able to provide you with more information or help you troubleshoot the issue.

After completing these steps, you should be able to successfully push your code to the remote repository without encountering the "fatal: the remote end hung up unexpectedly" error.

Tips for Avoiding "fatal: the remote end hung up unexpectedly"

  • Make sure to regularly commit your changes in small increments to avoid pushing a large amount of data at once.
  • Keep your local repository clean by removing any unnecessary files or branches.
  • Update Git to the latest version as updates often include performance improvements and bug fixes.
  • Use a wired internet connection instead of Wi-Fi if possible, as it tends to be more stable.
  • Check the status of the remote repository hosting service for any ongoing issues before pushing your code.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does "fatal: the remote end hung up unexpectedly" mean?

It means that the connection between your local repository and the remote repository was unexpectedly cut off while trying to push or pull changes.

Can this error be caused by a problem with my code?

Generally, the error is related to connectivity issues rather than issues with your code. However, if your code includes large files, it might contribute to the problem.

Is there a way to prevent this error from happening?

While there’s no guaranteed way to prevent it, following the tips mentioned above can help reduce the chances of encountering this error.

Should I be worried about losing my work when this error occurs?

No, your work is still safe in your local repository. This error does not affect the changes you’ve made locally.

Can I still pull changes from the remote repository if I’m getting this error?

You might be able to pull changes, but if the error persists, it’s likely that you will encounter issues with pulling as well.


  1. Increase the post buffer size in Git.
  2. Check your internet connection.
  3. Verify the remote repository URL.
  4. Try using ssh instead of https.
  5. Contact your repository hosting service.


Dealing with the "fatal: the remote end hung up unexpectedly" error can be a bit of a headache, but it’s usually a matter of addressing connectivity issues or configurations. By following the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to overcome this obstacle and continue working smoothly with your remote repositories. Remember, the key is to keep calm and troubleshoot methodically. If you continue to experience problems, don’t hesitate to reach out to your repository hosting service for assistance. They’re there to help, and together, you’ll get back to coding in no time. Happy coding!