Convert String to Dictionary Python: A Step-by-Step Guide

Converting a string to a dictionary in Python may sound like a complicated task, but it’s actually quite straightforward. The process involves using Python’s built-in functions to evaluate a string representation of a dictionary and turn it into an actual dictionary object. This can be incredibly useful when you’re working with data that has been serialized into a string format and you need to convert it back for manipulation or analysis.

Step by Step Tutorial: Convert String to Dictionary in Python

Before diving into the steps, it’s important to understand that this tutorial will help you convert a string that is formatted as a dictionary (with curly braces, colons, and commas) into a dictionary object in Python.

Step 1: Prepare your string

Make sure that your string is in the correct format to be converted into a dictionary.

The string should resemble a dictionary as closely as possible, meaning it should have curly braces enclosing it, with key-value pairs separated by commas, and keys and values separated by colons. If your string doesn’t look like this, you’ll need to format it correctly before proceeding.

Step 2: Use the ast.literal_eval() function

Import the ast module and use the literal_eval() function to convert the string to a dictionary.

The ast.literal_eval() function is designed to safely evaluate a string that contains a Python literal or container display (like dictionaries, lists, tuples, and sets). It’s much safer than the eval() function, which can execute arbitrary code and should be avoided.

Step 3: Verify the conversion

Check the type of the newly converted object to ensure it is indeed a dictionary.

You can do this by using the type() function. If the conversion was successful, type(your_object) should return “. This confirms that you now have a dictionary that you can work with just like any other dictionary in Python.

After completing these steps, you should have a fully functional dictionary object that you can manipulate as needed. This means you can add or remove key-value pairs, iterate through the items, and use dictionary methods.

Tips: Convert String to Dictionary in Python

  • Ensure the string is formatted correctly as a dictionary before attempting to convert it.
  • Always prefer ast.literal_eval() over eval() for safety reasons.
  • If conversion fails, double-check your string for missing or extra commas, colons, or curly braces.
  • Remember that keys in a dictionary must be unique and immutable. If your string has duplicate keys, the conversion will keep the last occurrence.
  • After conversion, use dictionary methods like .get() and .items() to interact with your new dictionary.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is ast.literal_eval()?

ast.literal_eval() is a function in the ast module that safely evaluates a string that contains a Python literal or container display. It’s a safer alternative to eval().

Why should I avoid using eval()?

eval() is considered unsafe because it can execute arbitrary code, which could be a security risk if the string being evaluated is from an untrusted source.

Can I convert any string to a dictionary?

No, the string must be formatted as a dictionary, with keys and values separated by colons and key-value pairs separated by commas, all enclosed in curly braces.

What happens if my string is not correctly formatted?

If the string is not formatted correctly, ast.literal_eval() will raise a ValueError or SyntaxError. You’ll need to correct the formatting before attempting the conversion again.

Can I convert a JSON string to a dictionary?

Yes, JSON strings are already formatted like dictionaries, but you should use the json.loads() function from the json module to convert JSON strings, as it’s specifically designed for this purpose.


  1. Prepare your string to match the dictionary format.
  2. Use ast.literal_eval() to convert the string.
  3. Verify that the conversion resulted in a dictionary object.


In the world of programming, being able to convert data from one format to another is a fundamental skill, and converting a string to a dictionary in Python is no exception. Whether you’re dealing with data stored in a file, received from an API, or passed around in your application, understanding how to perform this conversion efficiently and safely can save you a ton of time and headaches. With the simple steps outlined in this article, you should feel confident in your ability to tackle this task.

Remember, while it might be tempting to take shortcuts with functions like eval(), the safe approach using ast.literal_eval() is always the best practice. And once you have your dictionary, the sky’s the limit! You can now access and manipulate your data in all the ways that Python dictionaries are beloved for: their flexibility, speed, and intuitive syntax.

So go ahead, give it a shot! With a little practice, converting a string to a dictionary will become second nature, and you’ll be one step closer to Python mastery.