Git Discard Local Changes: A Step-by-Step Guide

Ever been in a situation where you made some changes to your code, and you just wish you could undo everything and start fresh? Well, with Git, you can easily discard local changes and get back to a clean state. It’s like having a time machine for your code!

Git Discard Local Changes Tutorial

Before we dive into the steps, let’s understand what we’re trying to accomplish here. By discarding local changes, you are essentially telling Git to forget about all the modifications you’ve made since the last commit. This is handy when you’ve made a mess and want to start over without cluttering your commit history.

Step 1: Check the status of your files

First things first, check which files have been changed.

After running this command, you will see a list of files that have been modified, added, or deleted. This gives you a clear idea of what changes you’re about to discard.

Step 2: Discard changes in a specific file

If you want to discard changes in a specific file, use the checkout command followed by the file name.

This command will restore the file to the last committed state. If you’re working on multiple files and only want to discard changes in one of them, this step is your go-to solution.

Step 3: Discard all local changes

To discard changes in all files at once, use the reset command with the hard option.

This is like hitting the reset button on your code. All the changes you’ve made since the last commit will vanish, and your working directory will be clean.

After completing these steps, your local repository will be back to the state it was after the last commit. Any changes you’ve made since then will be gone, as if they never happened. It’s a great way to keep your workspace tidy and free from unwanted changes.

Tips for Git Discard Local Changes

  • Always check your status before discarding changes. You don’t want to accidentally remove something important.
  • If you’ve added new files that haven’t been tracked by Git yet, you’ll need to remove them manually, as the reset command won’t affect them.
  • Be cautious when using the hard reset, as it cannot be undone. Make sure you really want to discard those changes.
  • If you’re unsure about discarding changes, consider using Git stash to save your changes temporarily instead.
  • Remember, discarding changes should only be done on local changes that haven’t been pushed to a remote repository.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Git?

Git is a version control system that helps you keep track of changes you make in your code. It’s like a big undo button for your project.

Can I recover changes after discarding them in Git?

Once you’ve used the hard reset, those changes are gone for good. That’s why it’s important to be absolutely sure before you do it.

Will discarding changes affect other branches in my repository?

No, discarding changes will only affect the current branch you’re working on. Other branches will remain unchanged.

Is there a way to discard changes without losing them completely?

Yes, you can use the Git stash command to save your changes temporarily while you switch to another branch or clean up your current branch.

Can I discard changes made in a remote repository?

No, the discard commands only affect your local repository. Changes in a remote repository need to be handled differently.


  1. Check the status of your files.
  2. Discard changes in a specific file if needed.
  3. Use the hard reset to discard all local changes.


Discarding local changes in Git is a powerful feature that can save you from a lot of headaches. It’s like having a safety net that catches you when you fall. But with great power comes great responsibility. Always double-check before you reset, as there’s no turning back. Remember, Git is there to make your life easier, not to add more stress. So use it wisely, and happy coding! If you ever find yourself in a pickle, just remember that Git discard local changes can be your lifesaver.