Remote: Write Access to Repository Denied – How to Troubleshoot

Have you ever tried to push your code to a repository only to be met with the dreaded "remote: Write access to repository not granted" error? It’s a frustrating roadblock that can halt your workflow in its tracks. But don’t worry, with a few simple steps, you can resolve this issue and get back to coding in no time.

Step by Step Tutorial: How to Gain Write Access to a Repository

Before we dive into the steps, it’s important to understand what we’re trying to achieve. By the end of this tutorial, you will have granted yourself or someone else the necessary permissions to write to a repository, allowing for code changes to be pushed without any access issues.

Step 1: Check your repository permissions

First things first, you need to ensure you have the correct permissions for the repository you’re trying to access.

If you find that you don’t have write access, you’ll need to contact the repository owner or an administrator to request the necessary permissions. This can usually be done directly through the platform hosting the repository, such as GitHub or GitLab.

Step 2: Use the correct SSH key

Make sure you’re using the correct SSH key that’s associated with the account that has write access to the repository.

If you’re unsure which SSH key you’re using, you can check your SSH configurations and ensure that the key associated with the repository is added to your SSH agent.

Step 3: Ensure the repository URL is correct

Sometimes, the issue can be as simple as using the wrong repository URL. Double-check to make sure the URL is correct and matches the one provided by the repository hosting service.

If you’ve cloned the repository using the HTTPS URL, you might need to switch to the SSH URL to use your SSH key for authentication.

Step 4: Verify branch permissions

Some repositories have protected branches that restrict who can push changes. Make sure the branch you’re trying to push to doesn’t have any specific restrictions in place.

If you find that the branch is protected, you may need to submit a pull request instead of pushing directly or request permission to push to the protected branch.

Once you’ve completed these steps, you should have write access to the repository. You can now push your code changes without encountering the "remote: Write access to repository not granted" error.

Tips for Gaining Write Access to a Repository

  • Always double-check which account you’re logged into on your Git platform.
  • Keep your SSH keys organized and labeled for easy identification.
  • Familiarize yourself with the permission settings of the Git platform you’re using.
  • If you’re working with a team, ensure clear communication about who has access to what.
  • Stay updated on any changes to repository permission policies on the Git platform you use.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is write access to a repository?

Write access to a repository is the permission to modify the code, create branches, and push changes to the repository.

What is an SSH key?

An SSH key is a way to securely authenticate your identity when pushing code to a repository without using a password.

How do I check my repository permissions?

You can typically check your permissions by navigating to the repository settings on the Git platform you’re using.

Can I have write access without being the repository owner?

Yes, the repository owner or an administrator can grant write access to other users.

What do I do if I can’t resolve the access issue myself?

If you’ve tried the steps outlined and still can’t gain write access, contact the repository owner or an administrator for further assistance.


  1. Check your repository permissions
  2. Use the correct SSH key
  3. Ensure the repository URL is correct
  4. Verify branch permissions


Gaining write access to a repository is a crucial step for developers looking to contribute to a project. The "remote: Write access to repository not granted" error can be a common hurdle, but with the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to resolve it swiftly. Remember to always verify your permissions, use the correct SSH keys, double-check repository URLs, and understand branch protection rules. By following these guidelines, you can ensure a smooth workflow and continue to collaborate effectively on software development projects. Keep coding, keep collaborating, and never let a little access error slow you down!