How to Disable Friend Request Button on Facebook: A Step-by-Step Guide

Are you tired of random friend requests on Facebook? Well, you’re in luck because disabling the friend request button is a breeze. In just a few steps, you can tweak your privacy settings and enjoy a friend-request-free Facebook experience. Ready to get started? Let’s dive in!

Step by Step Tutorial: How to Disable Friend Request Button on Facebook

Before we jump into the nitty-gritty, let’s understand what these steps will do. By following the steps below, you will change your Facebook privacy settings. This means only friends of your friends will be able to send you friend requests, effectively disabling the button for everyone else.

Step 1: Go to your Facebook privacy settings

Navigate to the privacy settings by clicking on the down arrow at the top right corner of your Facebook page and selecting "Settings & Privacy," then "Settings."

The privacy settings section is where you have control over who can contact you and who can see your information. It’s the hub for ensuring your Facebook experience is as private as you desire.

Step 2: Click on "Privacy" in the left column

Once you’re in settings, look to the left column and click on "Privacy."

The privacy menu is your gateway to various settings related to who can see your posts, who can send you friend requests, and who can look you up using the email address or phone number you provided.

Step 3: Find the section "How People Find and Contact You"

Scroll down until you find the section titled "How People Find and Contact You."

This section is particularly important because it contains the settings that dictate how easily other users can find and interact with you on Facebook.

Step 4: Edit the setting "Who can send you friend requests?"

Click on "Edit" next to "Who can send you friend requests?" and change the setting to "Friends of Friends."

By setting this to "Friends of Friends," you’re limiting the potential pool of people who can send you friend requests to only those who have a mutual friend with you. This is a clever way to keep your friend list curated and avoid unwanted requests.

After completing these steps, your Facebook account will be more private. Only individuals who share mutual friends with you will have the option to send a friend request. This means no more random requests from strangers or people you don’t wish to connect with. It’s a simple yet effective way to keep your social circle tight and your Facebook experience more enjoyable.

Tips for Disabling Friend Request Button on Facebook

  • Regularly review your privacy settings to ensure they are set to your preference.
  • Remember that changing your friend request privacy to "Friends of Friends" doesn’t hide your profile from searches.
  • Be mindful of who your mutual friends are, as they can impact who can send you friend requests.
  • Consider tightening other privacy settings for a more secure Facebook experience.
  • If you want to receive no friend requests at all, consider creating a "follow" option by changing your "Who Can Follow Me" settings.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I disable friend requests completely?

No, Facebook does not allow users to completely disable friend requests. The closest option is to limit requests to "Friends of Friends."

Will changing this setting affect my existing friend requests?

No, this setting will not affect any friend requests you have already received. It will only impact new requests moving forward.

Can I still receive friend requests if I have no mutual friends?

If your settings are on "Friends of Friends," you will not receive friend requests from people with whom you share no mutual friends.

Is there a way to hide my profile from searches?

While you can’t completely hide your profile from all searches, you can limit who can look you up using your email or phone number in the privacy settings.

If I change my mind, can I revert the setting?

Absolutely, you can go back to the privacy settings at any time and change the friend request setting back to "Everyone."


  1. Go to your Facebook privacy settings.
  2. Click on "Privacy" in the left column.
  3. Find the section "How People Find and Contact You."
  4. Edit the setting "Who can send you friend requests?" to "Friends of Friends."


Disabling the friend request button on Facebook is a fantastic way to take control of your social media experience. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can ensure that only people with a mutual connection can send you friend requests. This not only helps to keep your friend list manageable but also adds an extra layer of privacy to your online presence.

Remember, it’s always a good idea to periodically check your privacy settings. As you make new friends, your mutual connections will change, which could open the door to more friend requests. Keep these settings in mind and tweak them as needed to maintain your ideal level of privacy.

If you’re ever unsure about changing your settings, you can always refer back to this article for a quick refresher. After all, managing your Facebook privacy should be a straightforward taskā€”not a headache. So, go ahead and make those changes; your future self will thank you for a clutter-free friend request tab!