How to make alarm go off in AirPods: A step-by-step guide

Want to make your alarm go off through your AirPods? It’s pretty simple. Whether you’re trying to wake up without disturbing others or just prefer the convenience of having the alarm sound directly in your ears, this quick guide will walk you through the process.

Step by Step Tutorial: How to Make Alarm Go Off in AirPods

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let’s understand what we’re trying to achieve here. By following these steps, you’ll set your alarm to play through your AirPods, ensuring that you wake up to the sound coming directly from your earbuds.

Step 1: Connect Your AirPods to Your Device

First things first, make sure your AirPods are connected to the device you’re using for the alarm.

Connecting your AirPods to your device is as simple as opening the case near your iPhone or iPad and following the on-screen prompts. If you’re using an Android device, you’ll need to go into the Bluetooth settings and pair them manually.

Step 2: Set Your Alarm

Next, go to your clock app and set the alarm for the desired time.

Setting an alarm is a breeze. Open your clock app—whether it’s the default app on your iPhone or a third-party app on another device—and set the time you want to wake up. Make sure the alarm is set to a sound that will play through the AirPods.

Step 3: Adjust the Volume

Adjust the volume to ensure it’s loud enough to wake you up but not so loud that it damages your hearing.

This step is crucial. You want the alarm to be loud enough to wake you up, but blasting sound into your ears at a high volume can be harmful. Find a comfortable middle ground that will get the job done without causing discomfort or damage.

After completing these steps, your alarm will go off through your AirPods at the set time, providing a personal and direct wake-up call.

Tips: Making the Most of Your AirPod Alarm

  • Ensure your AirPods are sufficiently charged. You wouldn’t want them to die before the alarm goes off.
  • Test the alarm sound beforehand to make sure it plays through the AirPods.
  • Keep one AirPod out if you’re concerned about sleeping through the alarm with both in.
  • Consider setting a backup alarm on another device, just in case.
  • Remember to clean your AirPods regularly, especially if you wear them to sleep.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will the alarm still go off if my AirPods are out of my ears?

No, the alarm will not go off if your AirPods are out of your ears. They need to be in your ears to play sound.

Can I set different alarms to go off through my AirPods and another device simultaneously?

Yes, you can set multiple alarms on different devices, and they will go off independently of each other.

What happens if my AirPods disconnect from my device overnight?

If your AirPods disconnect, the alarm sound will default back to playing through your device’s speakers.

Can I use this method with other Bluetooth headphones?

Yes, this method should work with any Bluetooth headphones that are compatible with your device.

Is it safe to sleep with AirPods in?

Sleeping with AirPods in is generally considered safe, but it’s important to keep the volume at a reasonable level to prevent hearing damage.


  1. Connect your AirPods to your device.
  2. Set your alarm.
  3. Adjust the volume.


There you have it—the foolproof way to make your alarm go off in AirPods. This little trick is a game-changer for people who share their sleeping space, work different shifts, or just want a more personal wake-up experience. With your AirPods snugly in your ears, you can rest assured that you’ll wake up to your alarm without disturbing anyone else. Just remember to keep the volume at a safe level and ensure your AirPods are charged and connected before you hit the hay. Now, go forth and enjoy your mornings, one AirPod alarm at a time!