How to Hide Apps on iPhone 13: A Step-by-Step Guide

Hiding apps on your iPhone 13 can help keep your screen clutter-free or keep certain apps private. It’s a simple process that involves using the Screen Time feature or offloading unused apps. In just a few taps, you can make the apps disappear from your home screen.

Step by Step Tutorial: How to Hide Apps on iPhone 13

Before we dive into the steps, it’s important to note that hiding apps can help you maintain a more organized and less cluttered home screen. It can also add an extra layer of privacy for apps you don’t want others to see.

Step 1: Open Settings

Open the Settings app on your iPhone 13.

The Settings app is your control center for all things system-related on your iPhone. You’ll find it on your home screen, usually represented by a gear icon.

Step 2: Tap Screen Time

Scroll down and tap on Screen Time.

Screen Time is a feature that tracks your app usage and allows for parental controls, including the ability to hide apps.

Step 3: Set Up Screen Time

If you haven’t already set up Screen Time, follow the prompts to do so.

Setting up Screen Time may involve creating a passcode, which will be required to make changes to your Screen Time settings in the future.

Step 4: Tap Content & Privacy Restrictions

Once Screen Time is set up, tap on Content & Privacy Restrictions.

This section allows you to control what content is accessible on your iPhone, including the visibility of apps.

Step 5: Enter Screen Time Passcode

If prompted, enter your Screen Time passcode.

Remember that this passcode is different from your lock screen passcode. Make sure to remember it or write it down in a safe place.

Step 6: Tap Allowed Apps

Select Allowed Apps from the list of options.

Allowed Apps is where you can toggle which apps are visible on your home screen.

Step 7: Toggle Off Apps to Hide

Find the apps you want to hide and toggle them off.

Once you toggle off an app, it will disappear from the home screen but will still be installed on your phone. You can always toggle them back on if you change your mind.

After completing these steps, the selected apps will no longer be visible on your iPhone 13’s home screen. They are not deleted, just hidden, and you can still access them through the App Library or Siri search.

Tips for Hiding Apps on iPhone 13

  • Use folders to group similar apps together and reduce home screen clutter without hiding them.
  • Offload unused apps to save space while also keeping them out of sight.
  • Restricting app usage through Screen Time can also hide apps during certain times of the day.
  • Remember that hiding an app does not delete the app’s data or your account in the app.
  • If you can’t find an app after hiding it, use the search feature by swiping down on the home screen.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I hide pre-installed Apple apps?

Yes, you can hide most of the pre-installed Apple apps using the same Screen Time method.

Will hiding an app delete its data?

No, hiding an app will not delete its data or your account information within the app.

Can I still receive notifications from hidden apps?

Yes, you will still receive notifications unless you change your notification settings for those apps.

How do I find an app after I’ve hidden it?

You can find hidden apps through the App Library by swiping left past your last home screen page or by using the search feature.

What if I forget my Screen Time passcode?

If you forget your Screen Time passcode, you may need to erase your iPhone and set it up as a new device to remove the passcode. Make sure to back up your data before doing this.


  1. Open Settings.
  2. Tap Screen Time.
  3. Set up Screen Time if needed.
  4. Tap Content & Privacy Restrictions.
  5. Enter your Screen Time passcode.
  6. Select Allowed Apps.
  7. Toggle off apps you want to hide.


In today’s digital age, having control over our devices is imperative. Whether it’s for privacy reasons or simply to declutter your iPhone 13’s home screen, hiding apps is a feature you should know how to use. While it may seem like a minor task, it could greatly impact how you interact with your iPhone. Besides, who doesn’t enjoy a tidy and organized home screen? Remember, the apps aren’t gone for good; they’re just out of sight. So, go ahead, give it a try. It might just make your iPhone experience that much better. And remember, this is just one of the many features that your iPhone 13 has to offer.