How to Change Hotspot Password on iPhone 13: A Step-by-Step Guide

Changing your hotspot password on an iPhone 13 is a breeze! All you need is to navigate to your settings, select “Personal Hotspot,” and then tap on “Wi-Fi Password.” From there, you can enter your new desired password, and voila! You’ve successfully updated your hotspot password.

Step by Step Tutorial: Changing Hotspot Password on iPhone 13

Before we get into the nitty-gritty, remember that the following steps will help you secure your iPhone 13’s hotspot by changing its password. This ensures that only people you trust can connect to your personal internet hub.

Step 1: Open the Settings App

Open the Settings app on your iPhone 13.

The Settings app is your gateway to all the customizable features on your iPhone. It’s typically found on your home screen with a gear icon. If you can’t find it, swipe down on your home screen and type “Settings” in the search bar.

Step 2: Tap on “Personal Hotspot”

Scroll down and tap on the “Personal Hotspot” option.

“Personal Hotspot” is usually grouped with your network and connectivity settings. Tapping on it will open up the hotspot settings where you can control who connects to your iPhone.

Step 3: Select “Wi-Fi Password”

Tap on the “Wi-Fi Password” menu.

This is where the magic happens! In this section, you can see the current password and the option to change it.

Step 4: Enter Your New Password

Type in the new password you’d like to use.

Make sure your new password is secureā€”it should be at least eight characters long and contain a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols.

Step 5: Tap “Done”

Once you’ve entered your new password, tap “Done” in the top right corner.

Tapping “Done” saves your new password settings. Make sure to communicate this new password to anyone who needs access to your hotspot.

After you’ve completed these steps, your iPhone 13’s hotspot will have a new password. The next time someone tries to connect to your hotspot, they’ll need to enter the new password. This is a great way to keep your data safe and ensure that only people you trust can use your internet connection.

Tips for Changing Hotspot Password on iPhone 13

  • Ensure your new password is strong and not easily guessable to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Remember to share the new password with individuals who you want to have access to your hotspot.
  • If you’re having trouble saving the new password, try restarting your iPhone 13 and attempting the process again.
  • Keep a record of your hotspot password in a secure location in case you forget it.
  • Regularly update your hotspot password to maintain security, especially if you often share it with others.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I do if my iPhone 13 doesn’t save the new hotspot password?

If your iPhone 13 doesn’t save the new hotspot password, try restarting your phone and going through the steps again. If the issue persists, consider reaching out to Apple Support for assistance.

Can I use special characters in my hotspot password?

Yes, you can use special characters in your hotspot password. It’s encouraged to create a more secure password.

How often should I change my hotspot password?

It’s a good idea to change your hotspot password every few months, or whenever you feel that your current password may have been compromised.

Will changing my hotspot password disconnect devices currently connected?

Yes, changing your hotspot password will disconnect any devices that are currently connected. They will need to enter the new password to reconnect.

Can I change my hotspot password to something I’ve used before?

Yes, you can change your hotspot password to a previous password, but for security reasons, it’s best to use a new, unique password.


  1. Open the Settings app on your iPhone 13.
  2. Tap on “Personal Hotspot.”
  3. Select “Wi-Fi Password.”
  4. Enter your new password.
  5. Tap “Done.”


Changing your hotspot password on an iPhone 13 is a simple process that adds an extra layer of security to your personal internet connection. By following the above steps, you can ensure that your data remains safe and that only trusted individuals have access to your network. Remember, it’s important to regularly update your hotspot password and keep it complex enough to deter unwanted users. If you ever encounter issues while trying to update your password, don’t hesitate to reach out to Apple Support for help. So, take control of your hotspot security today and keep your personal information out of the wrong hands.