Repeat Header Rows: What Happens When You Click on This Feature?

When you click on "repeat header rows" in a document or a table, you’re instructing your software to repeat the header row at the top of each page where the table appears. This is incredibly useful when you’re dealing with multi-page documents, ensuring that your reader always knows what information each column represents, no matter which page they are on.

Step by Step Tutorial on Repeat Header Rows

Before diving into the steps, let’s clarify what we’re about to do. In the following steps, we’ll go through the process of setting up your document or table to repeat header rows on each page. This not only makes your document look professional, but it also enhances readability for anyone who’s going through your content.

Step 1: Open your Table

Open the document that contains the table where you want the header rows to repeat.

Step 2: Select the Header Row

Click on the header row that you want to repeat on each page.

Step 3: Access the Table Properties

Right-click and select ‘Table Properties’ from the menu, or look for it in your software’s toolbar.

Step 4: Find the ‘Rows to repeat at top’ Option

In the Table Properties dialogue box, navigate to the ‘Row’ tab and look for the ‘Rows to repeat at top’ box.

Step 5: Enter the Header Row Reference

In the ‘Rows to repeat at top’ box, enter the reference for your header row(s), usually something like ‘1:1’ for the first row.

Step 6: Confirm Your Selection

Click ‘OK’ to confirm your selection and close the dialogue box.

Once you’ve completed these steps, your header row will automatically repeat at the top of each page where the table is present. This means that no matter how lengthy your table is, each page will clearly display the header row, providing context for the information in the table below.

Tips for Working with Repeat Header Rows

  • Ensure your table starts on a new page to avoid layout issues.
  • Double-check that you have selected the correct row as your header row.
  • Confirm that ‘Repeat Header Rows’ is compatible with your document’s format.
  • Be cautious about merging cells in the header row as it can complicate the repeat process.
  • Preview your document before finalizing to ensure the header row is repeating correctly.

Frequently Asked Questions about Repeat Header Rows

What if my header row doesn’t repeat after following these steps?

Check if your table is split across pages correctly and that there are no additional settings overriding the ‘repeat header rows’ function.

Can I repeat multiple header rows?

Yes, simply adjust the reference in the ‘Rows to repeat at top’ box to include the range of rows you want to repeat.

Will repeating header rows affect my document’s layout?

It shouldn’t, as long as you’ve correctly set up your table and document to account for repeating elements.

What if I want to stop the header row from repeating?

Go back into the ‘Table Properties’ and remove the reference from the ‘Rows to repeat at top’ box.

Can I do this in any document software?

Most word processing software supports this function, but the steps may vary slightly.

Summary of Steps

  1. Open your table.
  2. Select the header row.
  3. Access the table properties.
  4. Locate the ‘Rows to repeat at top’ option.
  5. Enter the header row reference.
  6. Confirm the selection.


In the world of document creation, the small details can make a massive difference. The repeat header rows feature is one of those small yet mighty tools that can transform your multi-page tables from confusing to crystal clear. It’s a simple click that carries a lot of weight in terms of professionalism and readability. Whether you’re crafting a business report, an academic paper, or any document that involves extensive data, remembering to repeat your header rows will save your readers from the frustration of flipping pages to recall what each column represents. So, next time you’re working on a table-heavy document, take a moment to click on repeat header rows – your future readers will thank you.