How Old Are You if You Were Born in 1983? Calculate Your Age Now

If you were born in 1983 and want to find out how old you are, you can easily do so by subtracting the year you were born from the current year. This quick calculation will give you your age. Keep reading to find out the specific steps to calculate your exact age and some tips to remember along the way.

Step by Step Tutorial: Calculating Your Age if You Were Born in 1983

Before we dive into the steps to calculate your age, let’s establish what we’re trying to achieve. By following these steps, you’ll be able to find out exactly how old you are if you were born in 1983.

Step 1: Determine the Current Year

Find out what the current year is.

The current year is essential in calculating your age. You can easily find this information on your phone, computer, or even by asking someone.

Step 2: Subtract the Year You Were Born from the Current Year

Take the current year and subtract 1983 from it.

Once you have the current year, simply subtract 1983, the year you were born. This will give you your age as of this year.

After completing these steps, you’ll have your current age. It’s a straightforward process that only requires basic subtraction.

Tips for Calculating Your Age if You Were Born in 1983

  • Always make sure you’re using the current year for your calculation.
  • Remember that your age will change on your birthday, so if it hasn’t occurred yet this year, subtract an additional year.
  • If you’re calculating this later in the year, be aware that you might be a year older soon.
  • Don’t forget leap years! If you were born on February 29, you technically only have a birthday every four years.
  • Keep in mind that age can also be measured in months and days, not just years.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I was born in December 1983?

If you were born in December 1983, subtract 1983 from the current year and then check if your birthday has passed this year. If not, subtract one more year to get your age.

How do I account for leap years?

Leap years have an extra day in February. If you were born on February 29, you would celebrate your birthday on February 28 or March 1 during non-leap years.

Can I be more specific than just years for my age?

Yes, you can calculate your age in months and days by also subtracting the month and day you were born from the current month and day.

Does this calculation work for any birth year?

Absolutely, this method of calculating age works for any year you were born. Just replace 1983 with your birth year.

What if I don’t know the current year?

You can usually find the current year by looking at a calendar, your phone, or asking a voice assistant like Siri or Alexa.


  1. Determine the current year.
  2. Subtract the year you were born (1983) from the current year.


Calculating your age if you were born in 1983 is as simple as subtracting that year from the current year. It’s a handy skill to have, especially when filling out forms that ask for your age or when you’re just curious. Remember, time flies, and before you know it, another year will pass, and you’ll have to do the calculation all over again! So, embrace your age, whether you’re in your 30s or approaching 40, and remember that with each year comes new experiences, challenges, and milestones. If you’re still unsure about how to calculate your age or have any further questions, consider reaching out to an expert or using an online age calculator for assistance. After all, age is just a number, but knowing that number can be pretty important sometimes.