Google Sheets Dark Mode: How to Enable and Benefits

Are you tired of the bright white background of Google Sheets burning your retinas during those late-night data crunching sessions? Well, you’re in luck! Google Sheets now offers a dark mode feature that’s easier on your eyes and can even save battery life on your devices. Let’s dive into how to switch on this nifty feature in just a few simple steps.

Google Sheets Dark Mode Tutorial

Before we get started on the step-by-step guide, let’s understand what we’re about to do. Enabling dark mode in Google Sheets will change the appearance of your spreadsheets, making the background dark and the text light. This can reduce eye strain and make working in low-light conditions more comfortable. Ready to make the switch? Follow these steps.

Step 1: Open Google Sheets

Open the Google Sheets app on your device.

When you open Google Sheets, you’ll usually see a list of your recent documents. If it’s your first time using the app, you might see a welcome screen instead.

Step 2: Go to Menu

Tap on the menu icon, which is usually three lines or dots in one of the corners of the screen.

The menu is where you’ll find all the settings and options for Google Sheets. You might have to scroll a bit to find what you’re looking for.

Step 3: Select ‘Settings’

In the menu, look for the ‘Settings’ option and tap on it.

Settings are where you can adjust all the preferences for how Google Sheets works and looks.

Step 4: Choose ‘Theme’

In the settings, find the ‘Theme’ option and select it.

The ‘Theme’ setting is where you can change the overall look of Google Sheets, including switching to dark mode.

Step 5: Select ‘Dark’

Once you’re in the ‘Theme’ settings, you’ll have a few options. Choose ‘Dark’ to enable dark mode.

Congratulations, you’ve now enabled dark mode in Google Sheets! The background of your spreadsheets should now be dark, with light text that’s easier to read in low-light conditions.

After completing these steps, you’ll notice the change in appearance immediately. Your eyes will thank you, and you’ll be ready to work on your spreadsheets without the harsh glare of a white screen.

Tips for Using Google Sheets Dark Mode

  • Remember that dark mode is easier on the eyes, especially in low-light environments.
  • If you’re using a device with an OLED screen, dark mode can help save battery life.
  • Dark mode can help reduce glare if you’re working outside or in a brightly lit area.
  • If you have trouble finding certain buttons or options in dark mode, give yourself some time to adjust. It may take a little while to get used to the new look.
  • You can switch back and forth between light and dark mode at any time by going back to the ‘Theme’ settings.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does dark mode change the appearance of my printed spreadsheets?

No, enabling dark mode will not affect how your spreadsheets look when printed. They will still print with a white background and black text.

Can I set dark mode to turn on automatically at certain times?

Currently, Google Sheets does not offer an automatic scheduling feature for dark mode. You’ll need to manually switch it on and off.

Will enabling dark mode affect how others see my shared spreadsheets?

No, dark mode settings are specific to your device and will not change the appearance of shared spreadsheets for other users.

Is dark mode available on all devices?

Dark mode is available on most devices that support the Google Sheets app, including smartphones and tablets.

Can I use dark mode in other Google apps?

Yes, many other Google apps offer a dark mode feature, including Google Docs and Google Slides.


  1. Open Google Sheets.
  2. Go to Menu.
  3. Select ‘Settings’.
  4. Choose ‘Theme’.
  5. Select ‘Dark’.


Google Sheets dark mode is a fantastic feature for those who work late into the night or prefer a more subdued look for their apps. Not only is it aesthetically pleasing, but it’s also a practical choice for reducing eye strain and conserving battery life on mobile devices. With the simple steps outlined above, you can switch to dark mode in no time and enjoy a more comfortable and battery-friendly spreadsheet experience. Remember, if you find dark mode isn’t for you, it’s just as easy to switch back to the light theme. Happy spreadsheet managing, and may the dark mode be with you!