Cloud with 2 Lines Under It: Unusual Atmospheric Phenomenon Explained

Creating a cloud with two lines under it may sound like a task reserved for digital artists or graphic designers, but it’s something that anyone can do with the right tools and a bit of guidance. If you’re looking to add this design to a project or just want to learn a new skill, this article will give you a step-by-step tutorial on how to accomplish it.

Step by Step Tutorial: Cloud with Two Lines Under It

Before we dive into the steps, let’s talk about what we’re aiming to achieve. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have a basic cloud shape with two lines underneath it that you can use for various purposes, such as logos, illustrations, or decorations.

Step 1: Choose Your Tool

First, select the tool you’ll use to create your cloud with two lines under it. This could be a drawing software like Adobe Illustrator, a simple graphic design app, or even a pencil and paper if you prefer to go old school.

Choosing the right tool will depend on your comfort level and the resources you have available. If you’re working digitally, a program with vector capabilities will give you the cleanest lines and allow you to easily resize your design without losing quality.

Step 2: Draw the Cloud

Next, draw a fluffy cloud shape. You can make it as realistic or as stylized as you like. If you’re not confident in your drawing skills, you can find plenty of cloud shapes online to use as a reference or even trace.

When drawing your cloud, think about the overall shape and how it balances on the page. You might want to start with a simple oval and then add puffs around it to create that classic cloud look.

Step 3: Add the Lines

Now, draw two parallel lines underneath the cloud. These lines can be straight, wavy, or even zigzagged, depending on the style you’re going for. Make sure they’re evenly spaced and aligned with each other.

The lines under the cloud can represent different things, such as rain, a shadow, or simply a design element. Consider the thickness and spacing of the lines as they will contribute to the visual impact of your design.

After completing these steps, you’ll have a basic cloud with two lines underneath it. You can leave it as is or add additional details like color, shading, or patterns to make it stand out.

Tips for Creating a Cloud with Two Lines Under It

  • Experiment with different cloud shapes and line styles to find the look that best suits your project.
  • If you’re working digitally, use layers to separate the cloud and the lines, making it easier to edit each element independently.
  • Consider the context in which your design will be used, and adjust the size and complexity accordingly.
  • If you’re drawing by hand, lightly sketch your design first with a pencil before going over it with pen or marker.
  • Practice makes perfect! Don’t be afraid to create multiple versions until you’re satisfied with the result.

Frequently Asked Questions

What tools do I need to create a cloud with two lines under it?

You can use digital drawing software, graphic design apps, or traditional drawing materials such as pencil and paper.

Can I add color to my cloud design?

Absolutely! Feel free to add color to your cloud and lines to make your design pop.

How can I make my cloud look more realistic?

Study pictures of clouds and try to replicate the shapes and shadows you see. Adding subtle shading can also give your cloud more dimension.

What if I’m not good at drawing?

There are many cloud shapes available online that you can use as references or even trace. With practice, your drawing skills will improve.

Can I use this design for commercial purposes?

If you created the design yourself, you generally can use it for commercial purposes. However, if you used a reference or traced an image, make sure it’s royalty-free or you have the appropriate permissions.


  1. Choose your tool.
  2. Draw the cloud.
  3. Add the lines.


If you’ve followed along with this tutorial, you should now have a charming cloud with two lines under it that you can use for all sorts of creative endeavors. Whether you’re a budding artist, a graphic designer, or just someone looking to add a touch of whimsy to a project, mastering this simple design can open up a world of possibilities. Remember, the key to getting better is practice, so don’t be discouraged if your first few attempts aren’t perfect. Keep experimenting with different shapes, lines, and colors until you find a style that’s uniquely yours. And who knows, maybe this little cloud with two lines under it will be the start of a whole new artistic journey for you. Happy creating!