Remove Apache2 from Ubuntu: A Step-by-Step Guide

Removing Apache2 from your Ubuntu system is a straightforward process that can be accomplished through the Terminal. By following the steps outlined below, you’ll be able to uninstall Apache2 and its associated files from your computer.

Step by Step Tutorial: Remove Apache2 from Ubuntu

Before we dive into the step-by-step process, let’s understand what we’re about to do. Removing Apache2 involves uninstalling the Apache2 package, deleting its configuration files, and purging any remaining dependencies. This will free up space on your system and ensure that Apache2 is no longer running.

Step 1: Open the Terminal

Open the Terminal application on your Ubuntu system.

The Terminal app is usually found in the Applications menu or can be opened by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T on your keyboard. This is where we’ll be entering all the commands to remove Apache2.

Step 2: Stop the Apache2 service

Type sudo systemctl stop apache2 and press Enter to stop the Apache2 service.

Stopping the service ensures that Apache2 is not running while we attempt to remove it. This step is important for a smooth and error-free uninstallation process.

Step 3: Uninstall Apache2

Enter sudo apt-get purge apache2 apache2-utils apache2-bin apache2.2-common and press Enter.

This command will uninstall Apache2 and its related packages from your system. The purge option also removes the configuration files associated with these packages.

Step 4: Remove additional configuration files

Type sudo apt-get autoremove and press Enter to remove additional configuration files and dependencies.

After uninstalling Apache2, there may be some orphaned dependencies and configuration files left behind. This command cleans up those files to ensure a complete removal.

Step 5: Verify removal of Apache2

Enter apache2 -v to check if Apache2 has been removed successfully.

If Apache2 has been removed, this command should return an error message indicating that the ‘apache2’ command was not found. If it shows the Apache2 version, please repeat the previous steps.

After completing these steps, Apache2 will be removed from your Ubuntu system. You will have more free space, and your system will no longer be running the Apache2 service.

Tips: Remove Apache2 from Ubuntu

  • Ensure that you have administrative privileges before attempting to remove Apache2, as these commands require sudo.
  • It’s a good idea to back up any important data before uninstalling software from your system.
  • Double-check that you no longer require Apache2 for any web development or hosting purposes.
  • Consider using apt-get purge instead of apt-get remove to delete configuration files along with the package.
  • After uninstalling Apache2, consider updating your package list with sudo apt-get update.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Apache2?

Apache2 is a popular open-source web server software used to host websites and web applications.

Can I reinstall Apache2 after uninstalling it?

Yes, you can always reinstall Apache2 by using the command sudo apt-get install apache2.

Will removing Apache2 affect other software on my system?

It should not affect other software unless they are dependent on Apache2 for functionality.

How do I remove Apache2 if I installed it from source?

If you installed Apache2 from source, you would need to manually remove the files and directories associated with the installation.

Is it safe to remove Apache2 from my Ubuntu system?

Yes, it’s safe to remove Apache2 if you no longer need it. Just make sure to back up any important data beforehand.


  1. Open the Terminal.
  2. Stop the Apache2 service.
  3. Uninstall Apache2 and its related packages.
  4. Remove additional configuration files and dependencies.
  5. Verify the removal of Apache2.


Removing Apache2 from Ubuntu is a fairly simple task that can be completed in a matter of minutes. Whether you’re cleaning up your system, making space for new software, or simply no longer need a web server, the process is hassle-free and easy to execute. The key is to follow the steps carefully, ensuring that you completely purge Apache2 and its files from your system. By doing so, you can maintain a clean and efficient operating environment.

Remember to always back up important data before making significant changes to your system. If you ever find yourself needing Apache2 again, reinstalling is just as easy. With Ubuntu’s apt package manager, managing software like Apache2 is a breeze, affording you the flexibility to customize your system to your needs. Happy computing!