iPhone 13 Guide: How to Copy and Paste a Web Link

Copying and pasting a web link on your iPhone 13 is a breeze! All you need to do is find the link you want to share or save, tap and hold until the options menu pops up, and then select “Copy.” After that, you can paste the link wherever you want by tapping and holding again in a text field and selecting “Paste.”

Step by Step Tutorial: How to Copy and Paste a Web Link on iPhone 13

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let’s get a clear picture of what we’re aiming to do. Copying and pasting a web link on your iPhone 13 allows you to easily share content with friends, save it for later, or move information from one place to another. Let’s get started!

Step 1: Locate the web link you want to copy

First things first, open your Safari browser and find the web page containing the link you want to copy.

Locating the link might be the most time-consuming part, especially if it’s buried in a sea of text. But once you’ve got your eyes on it, you’re ready for the next step.

Step 2: Tap and hold the link until the options menu appears

With the link in sight, gently press and hold it until you see a menu pop up.

This menu is your gateway to a bunch of different actions, but for now, we’re focused on just one: copying that link.

Step 3: Select “Copy” from the options menu

In the menu that appears, you’ll see an option that says “Copy.” Go ahead and tap it!

Once you’ve tapped “Copy,” your iPhone 13 cleverly stores the link in its memory, ready to be pasted wherever you need it next.

Step 4: Navigate to where you want to paste the link

Now, head on over to where you want to paste the link. It could be a text message, an email, a note, or even another browser window.

Remember, the link is just hanging out in your iPhone’s clipboard, so you don’t need to rush. It’ll stay there until you’re ready to paste or copy something else.

Step 5: Tap and hold the text field and select “Paste”

Finally, in the text field where you want to paste the link, tap and hold again. This time, you’ll select “Paste” from the options menu.

And just like that, you’ve successfully copied and pasted a web link on your iPhone 13! The link will appear in the text field, ready for you to send, save, or use as needed.

After completing these steps, the web link you copied will be securely pasted into the desired location. Whether it’s a message to a friend or a note for yourself, the information is now where you need it to be.

Tips for Copying and Pasting a Web Link on iPhone 13

  • If the “Copy” option doesn’t appear when you tap and hold the link, try tapping the link once to open it and then holding down on the address bar to copy the URL from there.
  • To paste the link into an app that doesn’t immediately show the “Paste” option, look for a “Share” button, which often reveals additional options including “Paste.”
  • If you’re copying and pasting a link into a browser, make sure you paste it into the address bar at the top of the screen, not the search bar.
  • For links that you’ll need frequently, consider bookmarking the page in Safari or adding it to your home screen for easy access.
  • If you accidentally copy something else after your link, don’t worry! The iPhone 13 allows you to view your clipboard history and select previously copied items to paste.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I copy and paste multiple links at once?

No, the iPhone clipboard can only handle one copied item at a time. If you copy a new link, it will replace the previous one.

How long does a copied link stay in the iPhone clipboard?

A copied link stays in the iPhone clipboard until you copy something else or restart your device.

Can I share a copied link directly without pasting it?

Yes! With the link copied, you can use the “Share” option in many apps to send the link directly to contacts, social media, and more.

Is there a way to copy a link without using the touch and hold method?

Absolutely. If you’re using a keyboard with your iPhone 13, you can use the shortcut Command+C to copy and Command+V to paste.

Can I paste a copied link into a third-party app, like WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger?

Certainly! The paste function works across all apps on your iPhone 13, so you can share links wherever you like.


  1. Locate the web link to copy.
  2. Tap and hold the link to access the options menu.
  3. Select “Copy” from the options menu.
  4. Navigate to where you want to paste the link.
  5. Tap and hold the text field and select “Paste.”


Copying and pasting a web link on an iPhone 13 is a fundamental skill that enhances your smartphone experience. Whether you’re a tech-savvy individual or a newbie to the iOS ecosystem, mastering this simple task can save you time and streamline your digital interactions. With the ability to swiftly share resources, bookmark favorite sites, and gather information for later use, this function empowers iPhone 13 users to manage their online content with ease.

Moreover, this feature’s convenience is amplified when you consider the seamless integration across various apps and platforms. Whether you’re contributing to a work project or curating content for personal enjoyment, the ability to copy and paste web links with just a few taps ensures that the information you value most is always at your fingertips. So next time you come across a fascinating article, a must-see video, or a useful resource, remember that your iPhone 13 is equipped to help you capture and convey that content with minimal effort. Keep practicing, and soon it’ll be second nature!