Best DNS Servers for PS4: Boost Your Gaming Experience Now

If you’re a gamer, you know the importance of having a strong and stable internet connection. One way to improve your online gaming experience on your PS4 is by using the best DNS servers. DNS, or Domain Name System, is like the phonebook of the internet, translating website names into IP addresses. So, let’s dive into how to find and set up the best DNS servers for your PS4.

Step by Step Tutorial: Best DNS Servers for PS4

Before we get started, it’s important to know that setting up the right DNS servers can lead to faster connection speeds and a more reliable online gaming experience.

Step 1: Access Your PS4 Network Settings

Navigate to your PS4’s network settings to begin the process of changing your DNS server.

Once you’re in the network settings, you’ll usually see an option to set up an internet connection. This is where you can choose to use Wi-Fi or a LAN cable.

Step 2: Select Custom Setup

Instead of selecting the easy setup option, go for the custom setup to manually input the DNS server addresses.

Custom setup allows you more control over your network settings, and it’s necessary for changing your DNS server.

Step 3: Enter the Primary and Secondary DNS Server Addresses

Input the DNS server addresses that you want to use for your PS4.

Some popular DNS servers that gamers often use are Google DNS ( and and OpenDNS ( and These are known for their speed and reliability.

After completing these steps, your PS4 will now use the new DNS servers you’ve selected. This should result in a faster and more stable gaming experience.

Tips: Optimizing Your PS4’s Internet Connection

  • Use a wired connection if possible, as it generally provides a more stable and faster connection than Wi-Fi.
  • Make sure your PS4’s firmware is always updated to the latest version for optimal performance.
  • Close any background applications that might be using your network bandwidth.
  • Consider setting up a static IP address for your PS4, which can sometimes improve connection stability.
  • Regularly test your internet connection speed and compare the performance of different DNS servers.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a DNS server?

A DNS server translates domain names into IP addresses, allowing your device to connect to the internet.

Why should I change my DNS server on PS4?

Changing your DNS server can result in faster connection speeds and improved reliability while gaming online.

Can changing DNS servers reduce lag on PS4?

It can help reduce lag if the DNS server you choose is faster and more reliable than the default one provided by your ISP.

Is it safe to change DNS servers?

Yes, it is generally safe to change your DNS servers. Just make sure to use well-known and trusted DNS services.

How often should I change DNS servers?

You don’t need to change your DNS servers often. Once you find a DNS server that works well for you, you can stick with it.


  1. Access your PS4 network settings.
  2. Select custom setup.
  3. Enter the primary and secondary DNS server addresses.


In the world of online gaming, a smooth and fast internet connection can make all the difference. By optimizing your PS4’s DNS settings, you’re taking an easy step towards enhancing your gaming experience. Remember, the best DNS servers for PS4 are the ones that provide you with a reliable and speedy connection. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different DNS servers until you find the one that works best for you. Keep gaming, and may your connection be ever in your favor!